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Featured Image for Progress Learning is a Preferred Vendor for the Alabama Numeracy Act of 2022!

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Progress Learning is a Preferred Vendor for the Alabama Numeracy Act of 2022!

We are thrilled to announce that Progress Learning has been named a preferred vendor for the Alabama Numeracy Act 2022 for Formative Benchmark Assessments (Previously called Early Years Assessments) for grades K-5! This achievement underscores our commitment to providing high-quality, standards-aligned educational resources that empower students and support educators. The Alabama Numeracy Act of 2022 aims […]

Featured Image for How Progress Learning Supports Dillon School District Four in South Carolina

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How Progress Learning Supports Dillon School District Four in South Carolina

Since implementing Progress Learning in 2020, Dillon School District Four in South Carolina has seen massive growth in their students’ SCCCR mastery and SC READY test scores. Crystal Ellison, a former classroom teacher and now the Technology and Instructional Coach for the district, has witnessed this growth firsthand. We sat down with her to hear […]

Featured Image for How Progress Learning Supports Holley-Navarre Middle School in Florida

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How Progress Learning Supports Holley-Navarre Middle School in Florida

At Holley-Navarre Middle School in Florida, educators are seeing transformative growth in their students thanks to Progress Learning. Assistant Principal Pete Della Ratta couldn’t contain his enthusiasm when he described Progress Learning as “the best thing in all my 20 years of being in Santa Rosa County Schools.” He added that it helps “the students […]

Featured Image for How Progress Learning Supports Montgomery, Alabama Public Schools

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How Progress Learning Supports Montgomery, Alabama Public Schools

Montgomery Public Schools in Alabama is making waves in education with its innovative use of Progress Learning. They use our program for assessments, to supplement their instruction, and to create tailored pathways for their students. Recently, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Sonya Floyd, the Math Specialist for K-5th grades, to talk about […]

Featured Image for How Progress Learning Supports Anthony ISD

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How Progress Learning Supports Anthony ISD

We recently sat down with Jaime De La Torre, Director of Instructional Support at Anthony ISD, in Anthony, Texas to chat about how Progress Learning has impacted his school district. Anthony ISD is a relatively small district in Texas. Jaime wanted to find a solution that could alleviate the workload for his teachers while offering […]

Featured Image for Year 2 Recap: The Progress Learning Ambassador Program

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Year 2 Recap: The Progress Learning Ambassador Program

Two years ago, we launched the Progress Learning Ambassador Program, and what a journey it has been! In our first year, we had 185 ambassadors across the country. Fast forward to today, and we are thrilled to announce that our ambassador community has doubled in size, with nearly 300 ambassadors nationwide! It has been an […]

Featured Image for Gratitude for K-12 Educators: A Tribute from Progress Learning

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Gratitude for K-12 Educators: A Tribute from Progress Learning

by: Coral Ericson

As the saying goes, “Teaching is a work of heart.” This is especially true for K-12 educators who dedicate their time and effort to shaping the minds and hearts of the next generation. Our children spend a significant amount of their formative years in school, where educators teach them not just academic subjects, but also important life skills and values. It is with deep gratitude that we pay tribute to K-12 educators!