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Unveiling New Features of the Progress Learning Platform for the 2023-24 School Year

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology plays a crucial role in shaping the learning experience. The Progress Learning Platform is committed to providing innovative solutions to enhance both teaching and learning. In our commitment to continuous improvement, we are thrilled to introduce a suite of new features designed to further empower educators and engage learners.

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New Student Features

The student experience is central to the design of our platform. We have incorporated several new features to make navigation more intuitive and seamless, ensuring students can quickly and easily find what they need. The new game arcade for 6-12th grade students gives students an opportunity to earn rewards for completing assessments that give them tokens to play engaging games. Updates to the Study Plan for both 2-5th grade  and 6th-12th grade students have been made to make key features more accessible. New Focus Areas have been added to the study plan for all K-12th grade students to easily provide them with specific standards which require further practice and review.

New Teacher Features and Dashboard Updates

The teacher dashboard has also seen significant enhancements. The newProgress Learning Resource Center includes helpful guides and resources, announcements, and an interactive feedback module and is accessible through the Resource Center icon in the bottom right corner of all pages. The Resource Center provides a menu of help categories. Click on the category that you want to explore to see explanations for each category. We have also made key updates to language and Text-to-Speech settings to provide centralized access for teachers. In addition, our new Student View option gives teachers the ability to view a student platform at every grade without having to worry about sharing student data. This feature is helpful to model for students how to use the program or to answer Study Plan questions as a part of your whole-group instruction. We are very excited to release our brand new Live Monitoring Feature which teachers can use to see which students are currently working on an assignment. A green check mark means that they are actively working. There are numerous additional options for teachers to streamline the instructional process, see them all in the Full Guide. 

Updates to the Assessment and Assignment Center

Assessment is a vital component of the learning process, and our updated Assessment and Assignment Center now offers more detailed feedback options. An assignment setting was added to give teachers the option to allow students to retry missed items after completing an assessment or test. Retry score information can be viewed by the student and is also visible within the gradebook for teachers. New item types in My Authored Questions make customization even easier, ​​four new item types were added for users who author their own items. In the assignment bank, we updated the layout to a tabular model and a notifier has been added when grading is required. We simplified the icons down to one Grading Required icon which will appear when an item on the assignment requires manual grading. Our Assessment builder has been redesigned in order to simplify the assessment creation process and to provide more visibility. The settings have been added to the Preview tab and will include visibility into questions added, total points, and DOK information.

New Reports

New reports and updates to existing reports have been made to enhance our quality data and reporting features. These real-time data empower teachers to make informed decisions that can positively impact student learning outcomes. Our new Assessment Comparison Report allows teachers, school admins, and district admins to compare student results between two assessments. A mastery tab has been added to the results report which provides school-level data to district users and class-level data to school users showing the percentage of students who mastered an activity. The new partial scoring on Technology-Enhanced Items will reflect point values including partial points earned by students. Because technology-enhanced Items contain multiple answers within 1 question, updates have been made to allow students to receive partial credit when they get some of the answers correct.

Benefits of These Changes

These new features bring numerous benefits for both teachers and students. For teachers, they offer enhanced resources and tools that make teaching more efficient and effective. For students, they promise an improved learning experience marked by easy navigation, engaging and personalized content, and constructive feedback.

The new features of the Progress Learning Platform represent our ongoing commitment to improving the educational experience for all users. By making navigation simpler, expanding access to content, customizing the learning experience, and providing real-time analytics, we’re confident that these enhancements will significantly contribute to successful teaching and learning.

We invite you to explore these new features and experience firsthand how they can transform your teaching or learning journey. As always, we welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing about your experiences with these new enhancements. Embrace the future of education today with the Progress Learning Platform!

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