Corey Phillips

“The most honest thing I can say about Progress Learning is that it has impacted my classroom more than any other program or website I’ve used in my 6 years of teaching. Being a fairly young teacher, I feel that we have a pretty good grasp of all the ‘new and improved’ resources that are available for the classroom, but we have to be trusted from our administration through experiences and data-proven results to get them to ‘buy in’ to a recommendation. The 3 things I was looking for was that it was user-friendly, data-driven, and standards-aligned. I stumbled upon Progress Learning and decided to give it a trial run and see where it could go. This program exceeded all expectations and goals I was looking for all along. This is so user-friendly; I helped a coworker who had problems checking her email get set up and started on her own. This is so data-driven that you can pre-test, post-test, benchmark, and quickly get informal assessments. Better than any of this is the standard alignment. It breaks down the whole framework of the class by Unit, Standard, and Element and has built-in activities, tests, games for each. Progress Learning really gives you anything you can need for a subject and leaves it up to the teacher for how they want to implement it into their own classroom. It completely helped me manage my own data-driven classroom and improve my test scores better than they have ever been. Thank you, guys, for the work you put into the resource that I get to use in my classroom. I’ll always be a walking advertisement!”

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