An Increased Need for Credit Recovery Post-Pandemic
Progress Learning Provides an Invaluable Supplemental Resource
The last three disrupted school years have presented students with a whole new set of challenges when it comes to meeting their academic goals. Due to these challenges, credit recovery has become a key focus for getting students back on track, ensuring they get the credits they need to graduate.
Credit recovery is designed to help students who didn’t pass a course originally by giving them a second chance at passing with targeted instruction, instead of having them retake the entire course. It is clear that this is an ideal solution for students who have fallen behind due to the disruptions from the pandemic.
Progress Learning is a great supplemental credit recovery resource for students who are in need of a little extra help in meeting their graduation requirements. Our Assessment and Assignment Builders are valuable tools when it comes to designing credit recovery courses, and although Progress Learning doesn’t act as a stand-alone credit recovery course, the tools we provide are crucial in supplementing the areas that need additional study.
Our tech-enhanced items, or TEIs, provide a variety of question types to more closely align with what students are seeing on standardized summative assessments for course and state requirements. The inclusion of multiple question types allows students the opportunity to move beyond multiple choice and build the necessary foundation for reinforcing comprehension and retention.
The individual skills practice and study plans provide customized student-centered practice to target areas of need. Our platform can help students become more familiar with the key concepts and specific language of each domain, subject, and standard they need to master and support them in forming a much stronger knowledge base necessary for achieving credit recovery.
Denise Robider is a 9th grade, Algebra 1 teacher at Windsor Forest High School in Savannah, GA, who has seen positive results using Progress Learning with her students in their “Twilight” credit recovery program.
“Kids go to the lab and work through courses,” explains Robider. She notes that students were coming back from COVID with low lexile skills, struggling with the language of math as much as the math itself.
“They just aren’t familiar with the math terms,” she says. “So I upload notes and videos onto Google Classroom and then assign a classwork assignment via Progress Learning.”
She notes that “Progress Learning forces them to dig a little deeper,” and that “it’s obvious they are catching on to the language and the concepts. I saw a big difference in the types of questions the kids were asking, indicating they had a much stronger base knowledge to even be able to frame the questions.”
The Twilight program at her school uses several different online programs for credit recovery, and Robidar says she appreciates how simple it is to use Progress Learning in conjunction with other resources, such as Google Classroom.
Having used Progress Learning for more than a year now, she says she thinks the questions are “great,” and intends to up her use of the platform for credit recovery.
Denise’s story is a prime example of how Progress Learning can heighten and extend student comprehension. Not only did her students demonstrate a thorough understanding of the information, they also gained the necessary knowledge to complete the required credits, without repeating the entire course in question.
The keys to a successful credit recovery program are engagement, customization, and personalization, as well as a combination of strong online programs with in-person support. As schools expand credit recovery to keep students on track for graduation, Progress Learning provides a powerful supplemental resource to help bring students back to where they need to be. With our personalized study plans, customized individual skills practice, and tech-enhanced items and expanded question types that more accurately reflect what is given on state standardized assessments, students will be better equipped to tackle credit recovery and form the strong knowledge base they need to succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.
There is still research needed to determine the best possible outcomes for students attempting to recover from the academic and social/emotional effects of the pandemic. However, it is evident that utilizing a strong standards-aligned online platform in conjunction with in-person support will significantly improve outcomes for student success.
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