News, Curriculum

New Arkansas Math & ELA Standards: Now Live on Progress Learning

In K-12 classrooms across Arkansas, teachers and students are working with a brand-new set of standards for math and ELA. At Progress Learning, we’re committed to staying ahead of these changes, and we’re thrilled to announce that these new standards are now fully integrated into our platform. This means teachers can now begin assigning lessons and creating assessments that are 100% aligned with Arkansas Academic Standards (AR).

Let’s walk through what these new standards are, what has changed, and how Progress Learning can support.

What Are the Arkansas Academic Standards for Math and ELA?

The Arkansas Academic Standards outline learning expectations for students across K-12. These standards are regularly revised through a collaborative process involving Arkansas educators, parents, professionals, and other stakeholders across the state.

Revising the standards was also a final push to remove all remnants from the Common Core and the ACT® Aspire®, which assessed Common Core standards. The Arkansas State Board of Education voted in 2022 to adopt a new assessment program, called the Arkansas Academic Assessment (AAA), which will evaluate AR mastery and be administered starting this year.

What Is the Goal of The New AR Standards?

The goal of the new Arkansas Academic Standards for math and ELA is to ensure that all Arkansas students graduate from high school with the knowledge and skills they need for college, careers, and life. According to the Arkansas Department of Education, the standards are intended “to prepare students to demonstrate the skills and competencies necessary for successful academic growth and high school graduation.”

Specifically, the new standards are designed to ensure all students have a strong foundation in mathematical and literacy skills. The math standards focus on developing students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics and their ability to apply mathematical knowledge to solve real-world problems. The new ELA standards focus on developing students’ critical thinking and communication skills, as well as their ability to read and write complex texts.

Read the Arkansas Academic Standards for Math (K-8) here.

Read the Arkansas Academic Standards for Math (High School) here.

Read the Arkansas Academic Standards for ELA here.

Progress Learning is 100% Aligned to Arkansas Academic Standards

As always, we’re dedicated to ensuring that our teachers and students are working with their latest state standards. We are constantly keeping track of new standards for each state and updating our platform accordingly.

This past summer, our product team worked tirelessly to integrate all the new Arkansas math and ELA standards into Progress Learning. Now, teachers can begin creating assessments and assignments and generating bell ringers and other instructional resources that are 100% aligned to the 2023 Arkansas Academic Standards.

If you’re looking for additional support with these new standards, reach out to us for a free demo! We want to ensure you have everything you need to adapt to these new standards with ease.

Request a demo of Progress Learning today.

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